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Hey There!

My name is April.
I’m your virtual assistant.
Specializing in WordPress and Durable back-end support, I can handle admin tasks, assist with operations management, I can manage, create engaging blog content, manage your YouTube channel, and take care of your social media platforms. Let me streamline these tasks so you can focus on what matters most to your online presence.

Let’s work together to enhance your productivity and make your digital tasks seamless.

Just let me know how I can assist you, and I’ll be at your service! 

You can also explore my open-source work on LinkedIn.

Highlights of Experiences

    • Website Dev support, back-end WordPress/Durable development and Quality Control
    • CFO (Accounting Management)
    • Operations Management 
    • Email Management/ Lead Generation/ Data Entry
    • Copywriting/ Blogs/ Social Media Management
    • YouTube Management
    • Sales and Marketing
    • ESL Teacher ( international teaching experience)

Skill Trainings

    1. Certified Leadership Performance Mentor – iHelp Coaching and Business Solutions
    2. Certified Sales and Marketing Consultant – iHelp Coaching and Business Solutions
    3. Technical Virtual Assistant – OrangeHub
    4. Basics of Virtual Assistant – Orangehub
    5. Social Media Marketing – VirtualWork PH
    6. General Virtual Assistant – VirtualWork PH
    7. Virtual Executive Assistant – VirtualWork PH

Job Experiences

  • GVA

    TOB Web Development – (Full-time)

    Apr 2022 – Jan 2024 (1 year 10 months)

    • Website Dev (WordPress back-end support/ Quality Control)
    • Operations Management
    • Email Management/ Lead Generation/ Data Entry
    • Copywriting/ Blogs/ Social Media Management (Pinterest – IG – FB)
    • YouTube Management

    Virtual Reality Development Specialist  – ( Full-time)

    May 2021 – Apr 2022 (11 months)

    • – Data Entry
    • – Law firm (Administrative tasks)
    • – Lead Generation

    Commenter – BLtd. – (Part-time)

    Mar 2021 – June 2022 (1 year and three months)

    – Sales/Promotion on Men’s Luxurious pieces of jewelry/ Watches

    Sales and Marketing Consultant

    Sep 2015 – Jul 2019 (3 years and ten months)

    Residential Real Estate Sales Specialist –Freelance
    Dec 2016 – April 2021 (4 years four months)